Sunday, January 23, 2011

Horse Skiing

This afternoon while out and about, I met a team of Horses coming up the road. Amish are pretty common around my hometown and I slowed down, so not to spook the horses. the horses were setting out at a brisk trot and a group of Amish guys were piled on to the sleigh the horses were pulling and two were hanging on to ropes and skiing behind the horses!! The fresh powder of snow we've gotten in the two past days and the sparking sunshine was must have been so inviting for them! We waved and laughed to each other as we passed. Their cheery faces beamed with delight at their Sunday afternoon entertainment. I wish I had stopped to get a picture but I didn't think about it until after I had passed them. As I saw where their ski tracks up and down the snowbanks,  I suddenly had a burning desire to try it!! why not! I've down hill skied, I've cross country skied, water skied, I must try horse skiing!! Abby here I come. :D

1 comment:

Andrew Whtilow said...

that is one way to do it. cheap too.