Tuesday, February 8, 2011


SnOw SkIeS and ToRi has become a new favorite sport of mine.  According to google, "the sport of Skijoring behind a horse is to have originated as a method of winter travel, but today is primarily a competitive sport.Skijoring was a demonstrated sport  in the 1928 winter Olympics ."

Here is a bit of all the fun you all missed out on with our grand expedition, although we didn't catch the moment where Tori decides to stop short from a canter and all I see is Teddy's boots go on a flying trip over her head, or Elizabeth's sinking out of sight into a  4 foot snow bank, or my very graceful dismount from Tori's back to being flat on my back in very fluffy snowbank. But we had lots of laughs well worth it. Were headed to the big competions next. :) lol watch for us in the next winter Olympics. :)


Caitlin said...

That looks like so much fun!!! And the snow is incredibly beautiful! Maybe someday I'll get to try skijoring :)

Andrew Whtilow said...

In the video of the skijoring competition they were going a little bit faster. Maybe going faster equals run away Tori. At least it is a soft landing. :)

Katalin said...

lol, I know we didn't get very many good video's of us going fast but we did get her into a canter, it was just hard because we didn't have a harness for Tori so the rider had to hang onto the rope, tell the horse where to go and stay on the horse as well.

Anonymous said...

lol!! that looks like so much fun :D