Whether it's from the first soft snow that falls on golden autumn leaves or the crystallized snowbank hiding from spring's sunshine, I've always been excited about winter.
Laughter begins with...
snow ball fights
when the sleds are brought out
building a jolly snowman
a thrill to ski down a mountain,
skating on ice,
or hiking out in the snow to find a peace in the woods!

I wake in the morning to find the trees out side my window dusted in magic white dresses; and on the days that the wind has blown away those beautiful dresses the trees stand true and strong never bowing or lowering their self to the winds furry.
The frost that gathers on the window is more detailed than any art I have seen. Ice-sickles are like friendly chums that glisten and drip on sunny days.
The deer stare at me, asking whether they should flee or stay to hunt for left over apple on my lawn.
Chickadees and nuthatches brave a cheery song in the winter chill to remind me I too can sing an life's chilly days.

The morning's crisp cold air burns my lungs, and my ears and cheeks become pink. But the coldness breaths life to my sleepy body and I feel fully alert by the time I reach my class, which I am grateful for.
On Cold and bitter days, I hide away with a book and a friend or family to read aloud to each other. By the wood stove we toast our chilly toes and sip hot chocolate with warm home baked goodies. I enjoy these moments... for winter gives me a gift, the time, to spend with the ones I care about.
Holidays indeed bring a special feeling of their own. Thanksgiving and Christmas are rejoicing times with family, friends and plenty of food, why we wait for once a year to express our blessing or praise our Savior I don't know.
A New Year, oh how exciting! best wishes are sent out for happiness and health! Valentines day make the boys shy and the girls blush.
Easter may bring a few last flakes but the snow is like a final clothing of white pureness before God's creation of new life.
When snowflakes float down I believe they are each a gift from God. His way of saying "From Me: To You. I feel like a child again. I feel like dancing in circles but instead I am found standing still to study each one.

My favorite days, are days that the sun shines on the wintery world. The sun's warming essence gives me the hope that the cold will not last forever. As it sparkles on the thousands of snowflakes they come alive sparkling as if it was God's own throne room. In the evenings God tells the sun to leave one more gift for us. I've tried about 20 times to think of how to describe it cause "sunset" just doesn't fit and not matter how hard a camera can try, it can never catch the true picture. However, next time the sun is setting on a winter wounder land take the time to enjoy it and you'll have your own picture.
No, I rather see winter as a time of life not death. Call me crazy, but I just thought I would share winter through the eyes of an optimist. :D